Main factors to consider or get done before creating your website

Main factors to consider or get done before creating your website

When getting started with your website creation, you should always have in mind that your website is your main brand. It’s what people see before reaching out to you, it defines your complete package or brand, it is essentially your window to the e-world. You will not want to set off on a wrong foot because with branding you should always put your best foot forward, it is very important to get it right from the onset of creating your website.

Mistakes are allowed if you did not get the required information so here are some valid points for you to discuss with your perspective or hired website designer when you are getting started.

Tips and tricks for creating your website

1. Strategize:

Make sure your business strategy is in place. Be sure of why you need a website and why you are creating your website, know your audience or target customers, know if you want to sell online and process payments, know if you intend to have one business on your website or want to link more than one business. This list goes on and one, just make sure you get the basic functions of your website known before you start designing. It is best you do not keep going back and forth when the design process has commenced so that your designer will be confident working with you.

2. Consider your target audience:

Have your customers in mind when creating your map, navigations, and design. I will advise you make a site that will appeal t0 them. If your audience is basically women, you will want to tend towards the design with blush patterns, cool pinks, gold touches and some glitters. If they are men, you know what to do with the design aesthetics and colors too.

3. Contents:

Get your contents ready and original. This is also very important because contents help with SEO search engines turn up on great content which will, in turn, grow your site traffic and keep your visitors pleased. You can make more of this point with active blog posts. Use this to discuss new kinds of stuff on your site, latest products or services, and trends.

4. Choose a memorable domain name

That flows well with your brand. Do not go totally off key with your domain title, let your brand name be an exact match to your domain name or very close to it so that customers can recall even without looking at your stationary which in turn gives easy access to your website and drives more traffic.

5. Website Hosting:

Also, consider your website hosting for sites that require more images, it’s best to purchase hosting packages with high size so that you never run out of space on your site.

6. Social media

Integration of social media is important as having a working website itself. Make sure all your social media accounts are linked to your website and vice versa as well.

7. Design and colors:

Your logo, website pictures, and branding should be in the same color order, no flip-flopping on fonts and colors. This will help keep your branding uniform across all platforms and show your uniqueness. Shy away from too many bogus graphics, pop-ups, and dramatic slides shows. Make sure your website is user-friendly always with moderate colors and graphics.

8. Backlinks check:

Check or test all links before launching your site to avoid disappointing customers especially for e-commerce websites.

9. CTA:

Make sure there is a CTA on your homepage that will link your visitors to the main content of your website. This helps the visitors with navigating the website easily and makes finding information much easier for the users.

10. Test browser compatibility:

Make sure your site loads across all major browsers like Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, and Microsoft Edge. Some templates /themes do not work well or getting functional on some particular browsers, do check for this flaws before you launch your website.

11. Security:

Make sure your website has effective security to protect you from hackers. There are so many pesty hackers that can attack your website just to get at you, so be prepared for sudden attacks that can wipe out your data and get it back to square one. Always back up your website as well in case anything happens.

12. Check your competitor’s websites:

You will get tips on what they are doing well to attract more users or clients.

13. Testimonials:

Add client feedback on your website to increase credibility and sales in the long run.

With these tips, you should be on the right path to getting your website started and running fine. If you need more information or need to get your website created for you, contact Esslims at or fill out an inquiry on our contacts page.

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