Finerys Logo

Finerys Logo

As you all know, new projects excite me. I was delighted to take on this Finerys branding. We at ESSLIMS listened to the Finerys CEO’s vision for the logo of her company. We worked as fast as we could to meet up with the deadline given to deliver the job and we are so happy she was satisfied. Check out the logo, alternate logo, brand board, and logo stamps created for this DMV company.

Finerys stamp final

I love when I get referrals and this was my excitement when Finerys CEO called me to book for a logo with us at ESSLIMS. I consulted with her, got her vision right, and started working on what I call the first impression. We created six designs and she was meant to pick one. I was glad she went for one of the creations, because when we design, I always get lost in my art. I never know the best of the pack because I keep drawing until I satisfy my client which is always not too far to reach.

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