You definitely do not want to lose your potential customers because your mission and vision is not clear to them. Getting your brand identity right is more important and we have rounded up the 8 signs to know when you need to rebrand.

1. You should rebrand to better differentiate from the competition.
If your company name is generic and similar to that of other businesses, or your logo is generic you’re misplacing your brand. A related problem occurs when you use stock art in your branding or marketing materials, you may be hurting your brand because everyone recognizes stock art when they see it, and those photos may turn up being used by your competitors. I see these happen a lot to brands that have created their logos long ago, it is better to have a brand audit with an expert and clean up any outdated look you might be showing off.
2. You should rebrand to give new life to outdated branding.
It’s possible that your font style is outdated and the website is flash-based, (you remember those sites that need a flash player downloaded before media can be viewed? ) old school site, and making your business look outdated. What needs to be done is a rebrand to give your business a fresh look and feel so that people know you are flowing with trends and time.
3. You should rebrand to outgrow any poor reputation you may have acquired.
With the growth of the internet and the rise in the use of mobile gadgets, it doesn’t take much for a word or concept to take on devastatingly negative effects. Any bad news spread like wildfire and can destroy any reputable brand easily. Rebranding is often the simplest and most effective remedy in situations like this.
4. You need a rebrand when your business evolves.
Also if you are adding new products or services, you should consider rebranding to update what you now stand for. You might also be connecting to a new target audience that your old branding might not resonate/flow with.
5. Your brand name no longer reflects your brand vision
This is often a reality for most companies. What seemed appropriate like 10 years ago may no longer reflect your present brand.

6. Your brand has become overly complicated
If your messaging and design is confusing? or you are not clear about what you offer? It may be time to take a step back to simplify and focus. In branding, increased complexity means decreased cohesiveness. A rebrand is the best way to remedy this problem.
7. You feel a bit ashamed when handing out your business card or website address.
If your site is outdated, stale, boring, too static, not responsive or your online presence falls under one or more of these descriptors, you need a brand strategist to have a look at your brand asap.
8. You’re trying to connect with a new audience
A rebrand allows you to redefine yourself with the goal of reaching these new and untapped audiences. Staying on top of demographic shifts is good business.
Need help getting your brand updated? connect with us. message us from our contact page now.